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NAZARET. Biserica Buna Vestire. Biserica Ortodoxa Sf. Gavril cu izvorul Mariei
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Turla inalta de 57 m a Bisericii Buna Vestire.                                                                                                    
The walls of the upper sanctuary are covered with panels containing portrayals of Mary , depicted from a variety of cultural perspectives; the panels are gifts from Catholic communities around the world. A symbolically rich and colorful mosaic decorates t                                                                                                    
Biserica Buna Vestire.                                                                                                    
O splendida vedere a Bisericii Buna Vestire din interiorul curtii                                                                                                    
Ridicata intre anii 1960-1969, dupa planurile arhitectului italian Giovanni Muzio, biserica este inaltata pe locul unor vechi asezari de cult ca sa protejeze urmele casei unde ar fi locuit Sfanta Familie.                                                                                                    
Terra Santa convent and St. Joseph church.

The church is built over a cave identified since the 17th century as the workshop of Joseph the carpenter, Mary's husband.                                                                                                    
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