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NAZARET. Biserica Buna Vestire. Biserica Ortodoxa Sf. Gavril cu izvorul Mariei
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Bazilica Buna Vestire construita peste casa Maicii Domnului                                                                                                    
Bazilica Buna Vestire                                                                                                    
Fatada Bisericii Buna Vestire                                                                                                    
Detail of the entrance door. Detalii ale usii de intrare in Bazilica,                                                                                                    
Biserica Buna Vestire este un imn daruit de popoarele lumii Sfintei Fecioare Maria.                                                                                                    
The huge modern - day building, completed in 1966, is constructed over a cave traditionally believed by Roman Catholics to be the site of the Annunciation.                                                                                                    
Grota unde a aparut Arhanghelul Gavriil si a anuntat ca Fecioara Maria va avea un Fiu.                                                                                                    
In luna a sasea, ingerul Gavril a fost trimis de Dumnezeu intr-o cetate din Galileea, numita Nazaret, la o fecioara logodita cu un barbat numit Iosif, din casa lui David. Numele fecioarei era Maria.                                                                                                    
The walls of the upper sanctuary are covered with panels containing portrayals of Mary , depicted from a variety of cultural perspectives; the panels are gifts from Catholic communities around the world.                                                                                                    
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