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Al Treilea Popas Al Crucii - Iisus cade sub greutatea Crucii pentru prima data                                                                                                    
Capela Poloneza - basorelief aflat deasupra intrarii, ce descrie pe Iisus cazand sub greutatea Crucii                                                                                                    
The Via Dolorosa, is believed to be the route that Jesus took on his way to his crucifixion. This route marks the 14 stations in the Way of the Cross, from the first station where Jesus was condemned to death , to the last station where he was laid .                                                                                                    
Via Dolorosa sau Drumul Crucii, serpuieste printre stradutele intortochiate ale orasului vechi al Ierusalimului incepand de la Manastirea Ecce Homo pana la Bazilica Sfantului Mormant                                                                                                    
Al V-lea Popas Al Crucii - unde Simion din Cirena l-a ajutat sa duca Crucea. Al cincelea popas al crucii este marcat de un paraclis Franciscan in locul unde Via Dolorosa urca treapta cu treapta , spre Golgota.                                                                                                    
Al V-lea Popas Al Crucii                                                                                                    
Al VIIIl-ea Popas Al Crucii. Iisus consoleaza femeile din Ierusalim. Al VIII-lea popas este marcat de o Cruce Latina pe zidul manastirii Grecesti.                                                                                                    
Magazin specializat in parfumuri                                                                                                    
Esplanada reprezinta locul cel mai sacru al iudaismului. Evreii o denumesc Muntele Templului, deoarece aici a fost construit marele Templu, distrus de romani in anul 70, si din care a mai ramas doar zidul din partea vestica, numit Zidul Plangerii.                                                                                                    
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