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HAIFA, orasul unde locuiesc
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Telegondola ce urca de la malul marii pana in apropierea Manastirii Ordinului Carmelitelor de pe Muntele Carmel.                                                                                                    
Haifa, peisaj din fata blocului unde locuiesc                                                                                                    
Haifa bay.
Strada Nordau. Nordau Street.                                                                                                    
Cladiri din colonia germana.
The German Colony.
Haifa's German Colony was established in 1869 by the Templar Society, founded in Germany eight years earlier. The society took form against a background of socio-economic difficulties in Southwest Germany In the first half of the 19th century, an atmosphere that led to the development of the belief in the coming of the Messiah, in the hope that salvation was near.
Haifa, centrul civic                                                                                                    
Edificiu modern                                                                                                    
Cladirea facultatii de medicina.                                                                                                    
Vechi si nou.                                                                                                    
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