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Chennai, India, February 2006
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Meeting with an Infosys team
Meeting with an Infosys team
I took this picture at the end of a meeting with an Infosys team in Bangalore. The second and third from right are Sunidh and Rich from my company, Relativity.                                                                                                    
... then Rich said, "Mike, you must also appear in the picture."

I'm right in the middle.                                                                                                    
Back in Chennai, we prepare for a presentation. As usual, some trouble with the projector.                                                                                                    
People started to gather for the presentation.                                                                                                    
And here is me, putting some real passion in explaining the details of the domain slice extraction.                                                                                                    
Leila Hotel, Bangalore
Having finished the meetings for that day, we stpooed for one hour to have a coffee at the Leila hotel in Bangalore, very close to the airport.                                                                                                     
I was so impressed by the garden in the hotel court yard that I decided to take some pictures.                                                                                                    
Steve and me
Steve Maysonave, Relativity President and CEO and myself.                                                                                                    
Rich and Mike
Rich Cronheim and Michael Oara                                                                                                    
Rich and Steve
Welcome and watch out for the elephants
Rich Cronheim and Steve Maysonave                                                                                                    
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