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Muntele Tabor - Biserica ridicata pe locul unde s-a petrecut Schimbarea la Fata
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Magnificent stone Crusader gateway
Poarta de intrare spre Biserica Transfigurarii construita in perioada cruciatilor                                                                                                    

Pe Muntele Tabor, Dumnezeu Tatal a marturisit despre Iisus: "Acesta este Fiul Meu cel iubit, intru Care bine am voit. Pe Acesta sa-l ascultati!"

The Mountain of the Transfiguration.
Biserica Transfigurarii de pe Muntele Tabor

Sanctuarul Franciscan a Transfigurarii de pe Muntele Tabor a fost construit in anul 1920, peste ruinele unei vechi capele bizantine.                                                                                                     
Interiorul Bisericii.

One of Israel’s most exquisite churches is found on the heights of Mt. Tabor. A Franciscan sanctuary built in the 1920’s, the Church of the Transfiguration was erected over ruins of a Byzantine chapel. Here, prolific architect Antonio Barluzzi utilized a 4th-7th century style that imparts to this church a special flavor. The theme of the artwork in the church is metamorphous things that change or highlight the glorified Jesus.

Manastirea Transfigurarii
Monastery of the Transfiguration of Christ                                                                                                    
Gradina Bisericii Schimbarii La Fata                                                                                                    
This is the site of Jesus transformation. Built on top is a church divided into three sections, a main one dedicated to Jesus and two smaller ones on the sides for Moses and the other for Elijah.                                                                                                    
Transfiguration of Christ
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